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The Good Parts of 2020

Reflections on this past year - the good and the bad.

We're here. We've finally made it (I feel like this is the start of a high school graduation speech...). I know that for many, it is a huge relief that we are at last to the end of 2020. This is totally understandable. It has been a year of sickness, uncertainty, and isolation. Along with the unexpected negative happenings throughout the year though, I have found that 2020 has taught me a couple of positive things.

1) By everything shutting down and people being encouraged to minimize gatherings and stay at home, I believe people have learned to enjoy the simple things in life. Instead of feeling like time with family and friends is only enjoyable when they travel to a beautiful destination or resort, it seems as if families have relearned the joy of simply laughing during at-home family game nights. Though these might not be extraordinary, game nights have the potential to strengthen the bonds of everyone involved. The same goes for weddings - I believe people have learned that weddings do not need to be extravagant and expensive in order to be meaningful. Instead, a small gathering of the couple's closest friends and family is just as memorable.

2) Along with people learning to enjoy life's simplicity, I find that 2020 has encouraged people to have hope - even in times when it's difficult to look past our present sufferings. This year has brought much turmoil and sorrow for many people; however, I believe that by so many people experiencing such difficulties, 2020 has shown us that we can choose to remain in our sickness, sorrow, and troubles OR we can choose to have hope for what tomorrow may bring. Even more so, the hope we can experience through holding fast to the God of hope who saves and redeems.

As we enter into this new year, may we be prepared for the negative things that may come, while looking forward with hope of what 2021 may bring, and continue to prioritize things that matter the most.

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